Mahfuza's Blog

On this blog I will include reading response, short writing, and projects.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Symbols of the U.S Dollar bill and New York Flag

Symbolism is when the authors uses an object or idea to represent something. the author uses symbols to make the writing interesting. To describe peoples feeling, a country and more. In this reading response I will discuss about symbols in the U.S. Dollar then N.Y flag.

Did you know that there is tons of symbols in the U.S Dollar? The symbols represent different meanings. The symbols such as two circles, pyramid, eye, dark western side and open pyramid. Just like I told you that every symbol has their own  special meaning, the two circle represent the great seal of the united states. Pyramid stands for the whole country. Eye it’s all seeing which means god. In the U.S Dollar the dark western side told you it is unexplored part of the country. Lastly, we have another symbol open pyramid which represent our country’s work was unfinished. That’s a little code in the U.S Dollar that gives you some idea about what the country is like.

Have you ever realize that the New York flag has some symbols like coats of arms, ships, sunrise, eagle, crown, left statue, right statue, blindfold, scale, sword, excelsior. What they have to do with New York flag? Let me take a guess, may be that represent or gives you information about New York history. So, ready to find out what the symbol represent. Coats of arms wow it’s shows your family and state. Next, comes ships it represent transportation for opportunity. Another symbol sunrise seems a new day, new opportunity. Eagle is a freedom for everyone who lives in New York. The crown is for England which used to rule New York. The left statue for the country and right statue the law. Blindfold is a beautiful symbol which talks about fairness and equality for people. Scale replace Justice. Sword  act for defense. One more picture excelsior describe higher goals. Symbols incite people to make their country lovely include New York.

Symbols are use to be very patriotic. If anyone use symbols instead of writing that makes it faster. Symbol also express peoples thought. You can introduce yourself to people by using symbols.Symbolism can make so many things that describe anything.In this response I have  explained the symbols in the U.S Dollar and N.Y flag.   


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