Mahfuza's Blog

On this blog I will include reading response, short writing, and projects.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Escape To Danger

Title:Escape To Danger.
Author:Betsy Sterman.
Genre: Historical Biography.
    The book I read during independent reading was Escape To Danger.The author is Betsy Sterman.She wrote the story in different way.This story is about two boys named George and Ned saved George father’s goods,cargo.There is another character “Biggs” were the leaders of the thieves. In this essay I will explain about two boys and how they rescued things from the thieves. I will also discuss about the theme, analyze characters, make connections,visualization or predictions.  
I predict that the author will tell us about something historical and there might happen a lot of great things. The places people actions also there traditions would be very different from today. When I started reading the book first, I visualized a boy called George was running as he passed there was varieties of sound, smell and a horse pulling a wagon of squaking chicken.He wanted to see his father as soon as they came from England on a ship.

As I keep on reading, the boy noticed somebody came out of a tiny box.The person was a boy, he was surprised.Then they introduce themselves and became a friend.They were hidding so nobody spotted them.The sun went out and the moon showed up.I was asking myself “a stranger come and what if they kill them”.Suddenly they spied the thieves and followed them.

Finally, when they were followed the thieves they found out that one of the worker was the leader of the thieves.It was Biggs stealing stuff that was unappreciative from him.I would say that Biggs was a untrustworthy and irresponsible person.Two boys carefully got out of the thieves house  and called dad.Then Georges dad came and called the police.I was thinking how come a person betrated his own owner?One of the theme that realize is friends could solve a huge problems or mystery together.
          In this Reading response I have explained the story about two boys who rescued the things from the thieves.I also described the connections,predictions, visualizations, theme and also analyze the character.The end of the story was a careful mission and thrilled ending.


  1. I did not understand the part in paragraph 4 where you wrote "When you shouted, finally they were followed the thieves." Maybe you should write that again. I liked how you summarized the book. Good job.

  2. In my opinion you did perfect. I liked how you predicted and make connection and how you wrote and stretch your story. It will be cool if can predict what will happen NEXT. EXELENT.

  3. the book "Escape To Danger" looks like an interesting book to read =). I liked how u predicted and made connections. But maybe next time you can make your essay more interesting like if you were part of the story =P. NICE WORK!!
