Mahfuza's Blog

On this blog I will include reading response, short writing, and projects.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Egypt Game.

  Title:The Egypt Game.
   Author:Zilpha Keatley Snyder.
        The title of my book is “The Egypt Game”.It is written by Zilpha Keatley snyder.It is about Egyptian life and information about Egypt.There is a lot of information about the Egyptian people’s traditions and culture also the writing history.In this reading response, I will describe my predictions when I first opened the book.I will also describe the thing I visualized, my connections and questions I had while reading.
        When I first opened the book, I predicted that the book was about six kids that were telling a story and information about Egypt by playing some terrific game.The author will describe what they will play and how?I also predict maybe there will be some interesting and mysterious stories.I could learn a lot more new things from the book.

        As I read the book,I visualized that the character which is April, Nefertiti, Elizabeth,Melanie,Caroline, Dorotheas were some different character in history of the Egypt.April was named Bastet and the hieroglyph was a cats head with earing on her.Dorotheas was ramose a owl face.Melanie was a character Aida a bird.Elizabeth was acting as Nefertiti.I could picture that they would be dressed up like a queen, pharaoh, sarvent and play with the role.

This book reminded me of my cousins when we used to play together, by using similar things that they were using.When they were collecting things to play the game for Halloween, I remember how my friends and me were doing it  for a project in school.This book is similar to a book that I read last year.The name of the book is the cat ate my gym suit.It was enthusiastic and mysterious.
when I finally came to the end of this book I had some questions in my mind.When they were  playing the game what if they doesn’t get along and they have fight ?If there was a stranger and he was a criminal kidnapped the kids?These book are related with some real life stuff.I want to know what other book this author write about?I enjoyed her book so much.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mahfuza,
    It is good to see that you are active with your blog. Many blogs do not contain media so it is great to see images from the topic on your blog. It is also interesting that you chose 'The Egypt Game' to review since it has been very popular at 254 four at least four years. The book is quite challenging but you have remembered many aspects of the story.
    I recommend that you preview and peer edit your blogs with a friend. Keep up the good work.
