Mahfuza's Blog

On this blog I will include reading response, short writing, and projects.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


It’s December and hey, it's the time for Christmas! My friends were so busy getting new things from their mom and everybody else. They were also buying new dresses and shoes for Christmas. For Christmas everybody decorate their houses and Christmas tree with a lot of sparkly stuff. I could watch the something like lights in the trees are blinking. I always wanted to celebrate Christmas every time I hear a  Christmas song I think about me getting mew sneakers,clothes and so many beautiful things. I asked "my mom if we can celebrate Christmas this year?” She replied "no" because it's not part of our tradition. I forgot that we didn't celebrate Christmas. I am from a Muslim family. 

I looked out my window and stared into space.What if we did celebrate it. I didn't think we could. I looked down at sidewalk again. There were people carrying bags and trees/boxes. It seemed kind of weird. I felt left out.

      Since I don't celebrate Christmas but still I get a chance to celebrate in school. The day before the 12 days of vacation we have party in my school. In that day,the party is really huge because we have the party whole day. In that party people bring so many foods such as chips, candy's soda, juice, pizza and if someone wanted to bring something from house for the class. We also have a little dancing and singing part where everybody can chill. Last year,my sixth grade teacher did everything, people were dancing like they are in the circus. We also ate foods. I wasn't dancing around because I am not aloud to do that also I am that kind of person. When they were dancing suddenly a cup of soda felt on top of a boys head, his head was wet. He was furious about that but he cried fine its Christmas. We all started giggling,especially me! I thought it was so hilarious...
       Finally, it was time for vacation. When I returned from school that day I throw my book bag in a corner of my room. Then I eat something, after I finish eating  I go straight on the computer to play a movie or something fun to do. In that night I don't open my book bag until the next day. when it's time to sleep my mom shouted at me to shut down the computer and go to bed. I go to my bed next morning I wake up at 1:00 pm . The rest of the passed by doing  my homework, helping my mom,  going out with my family. That's my story about Christmas!!!

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