Mahfuza's Blog

On this blog I will include reading response, short writing, and projects.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Symbols of the U.S Dollar bill and New York Flag

Symbolism is when the authors uses an object or idea to represent something. the author uses symbols to make the writing interesting. To describe peoples feeling, a country and more. In this reading response I will discuss about symbols in the U.S. Dollar then N.Y flag.

Did you know that there is tons of symbols in the U.S Dollar? The symbols represent different meanings. The symbols such as two circles, pyramid, eye, dark western side and open pyramid. Just like I told you that every symbol has their own  special meaning, the two circle represent the great seal of the united states. Pyramid stands for the whole country. Eye it’s all seeing which means god. In the U.S Dollar the dark western side told you it is unexplored part of the country. Lastly, we have another symbol open pyramid which represent our country’s work was unfinished. That’s a little code in the U.S Dollar that gives you some idea about what the country is like.

Have you ever realize that the New York flag has some symbols like coats of arms, ships, sunrise, eagle, crown, left statue, right statue, blindfold, scale, sword, excelsior. What they have to do with New York flag? Let me take a guess, may be that represent or gives you information about New York history. So, ready to find out what the symbol represent. Coats of arms wow it’s shows your family and state. Next, comes ships it represent transportation for opportunity. Another symbol sunrise seems a new day, new opportunity. Eagle is a freedom for everyone who lives in New York. The crown is for England which used to rule New York. The left statue for the country and right statue the law. Blindfold is a beautiful symbol which talks about fairness and equality for people. Scale replace Justice. Sword  act for defense. One more picture excelsior describe higher goals. Symbols incite people to make their country lovely include New York.

Symbols are use to be very patriotic. If anyone use symbols instead of writing that makes it faster. Symbol also express peoples thought. You can introduce yourself to people by using symbols.Symbolism can make so many things that describe anything.In this response I have  explained the symbols in the U.S Dollar and N.Y flag.   


Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Telescope you have microscopic eye    
You can grab the object from far away,
You can reach me to the mountain top 
Also near the moon and stars. 
You help me gather important facts
That will help me in my science class 
Telescope brings me magnificent dreams!
You reflect my thoughts by
Talking with the sky.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Dreaming about America

  When I heard about coming to America I was dreaming about it . My mom and everybody in my family shouted that America is a place ,people dreamed about. So, in my opinion I was little gloomy  to travel from one place to another. Left all my family  members behind I might felt nervous. I could  observed the excitement on him all the time. I tried to dream about America just like others.
     Later on, My every night as soon as I close my eyes in a flash I noticed tall buildings surrounding around me I am walking on the street. I could glimpsed myself a tiny kids walking. The cars are moving so speedily and when the traffic light pops up the  cars stop. In my mouth I could taste the smell of pizza , soda, chips and more things. I heard in New York you could find varieties of cultures or religions people. When ever I heard America I think about People that are as white as snow. Also people are with marvelous clothes. As the day passed, I started knowing more about America. In there people celebrated Christmas and it’s covered with snow in winter time. The day of Christmas people gathered  a lot  of  amazing gifts looks like the starts are hanging in the sky.I always thought that I will have such great time.

As usual I love to travel and in a different country I could picture myself jumping around like a cat . For that my mom is a shadow that always follow me. I love watching English movies, cartoons and everything that was in my television. I was so lucky that I could glimpsed them in real life. When the movie comes I always stick with it like a fish in a  hook and never get a chance to get out until the movie is finished.   In addition to that, in my mind I imagined how that will be if I come to the United Nation. Surprisingly that’s a part of my dream.I would Like to know if you have any experienced same as me.


  Have you ever read a book called “Stargirl”? The author of the book is Jerry Spinelli. This is a more interesting book than the other book that I read before. Stargirl acts a little awkward. She’s somewhat different than everyone else. Besides that there are also some other characters involved with her. In this reading  response I will tell you about some unthinkable part that happened with Stargirl. I hope you will appreciate it.

Stargirl was a student at Mica High school. The setting of the story takes  place in the Arizona Desert with sand. The first day of tenth grade might be quite tough for her since she is new in the school. She is really different from everybody. That’s what Leo and Kevin recognize about her. They both are in eleventh grade. She wear ruffles around her and  cuffs it look like it could have been her grandmother’s wedding gown. She is not ugly  or gorgeous with her sand hair color. In the middle of the lunch  room she start singing and strumming , twirling all the time. That’s make her little different and witty from everyone else.

When I started reading the book I thought she might know magic but I was wrong she was just normal like other girl. I could pictured her with her grandmothers wedding gown. She might look like a bride with her dressing. At first I was asking myself wasn’t she felt sorrowful when people snickered at her in a negative way? I predicted that later on, she will have friends and people will be friendly with her. It came true at the end of two weeks she end up with having friend.

One thing that Stargirl like to do is she sings happy birthday to everybody the day of their birthday. She also love cheer-leading. As the day passed, she became a popular person in school. Also the captain of cheerleader was surprised in her performance. Cheer leading made her popular. Whenever she learn the cheers, everybody looks at her by stood in the parking lot. She Practiced the cheers until the day she perform. 

Stargirl was a lovely girl. She had friend such Archie, Kevin, Leo. Kevin wanted to put Stargirl in a hot seat. Kevin is a genius camera man. So he did put her in a hot seat which means Stargirl will seat in a chair and everybody can interview her. Archie lived in a house of bones. He was a paleontologist. He collected bones from American West, from museum. Leo he is a eleventh grader who loves porcupine necktie.

With her friend Stargirl had so much fun and beautiful day. She passed through many things that  she did not even dreamed about. That’s what I realize from the book. I hope I gave you enough information to know about Stargirl. The thing that I responded are some part of the story. In addition to that I really enjoyed the book. It such  a wonderful book. So thanks to Jerry Spinelli for writing such a beautiful book.                                                                                   

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Fun Questions!

Hello students at MS 254. Please scroll down to the bottom of my blog. I just wanted to ask you some questions to entertain you. I encourage you to answer these questions then click to see the responses of other people who have voted. I want to learn more about you through your answers. VOTE!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


The time when I  went to see a play in Broadway theater I was completely surprised  when I glimpsed  the tall beautiful building. I went there by the bus every time I glanced at the window I could noticed the  tall building standing in the side ways. On the way I also observed a river. Since I don’t know so my teacher told me that the river separate  Bronx and Manhattan. We passed time square and after one  hour finally we reached the theater . A smile was on my face all the time .

When we got out of the bus my  teacher Ms.Dancis took a picture of me. That’s the first time I  have been there. As soon as we enter the theater I eyed at a lot of people also crazy  about the play. Then another teacher handed out the ticket. After that we entered the theater a sat with the other group. I was eye balling the inside of the theater . There was a dragon hanging on the sealing  look like it was flying and the side look so attractive. In my mind I pictured how it will be start and what will happen. 
Then suddenly the light went out and the curtain went up also the dragon moved his wings and the smoke was coming out of his face . Then it started first there was the good witch came from up with fancy dress and a stick on her hand and start singing. Then started talking about the terrible witch. People asked that if she was her friend .    
 After that a girl was born  in green skin color. For the next child her dad feed her mom  something so she born just normal but she  was disable. Then they grew up and started going to school. when they enter the classroom every body was acting mean at them. After that the teacher came to introduce them. The green skin color named Alphaba . A popular girl were terrible to her,  they always argue a lot .
Alphaba was a wizard and one day the king of wizard invited  her . By that time Alphaba and the girl became friend. They both went to the wizard then the king came introduce to them selves. As time the time pass he gave Alphaba a spelling book. He tried to use Alphaba to do negative works. After Alphaba out of home  and everything change. Also there was cute boy that the popular girl fell in love with him.  But there was a mystery the boy liked Alphaba. Alphabas’ sister loved Mike accidentally Mike loved the popular girl. 
When the popular girl knew that she was jealous at Alphaba. She told it to the wizard king and the knights came to capture her. Next, Alphaba started fighting and in flash she was invisible with fire and  every body thought she was died . Then the boy came and  find Alphaba in a whole cover with a lid.  They went to their castle and live happily ever after. Know one knows that they were alive . So the popular  girl was so sorrowful about that. She felt guilty about what had happened. After the show finished the sound of clapping got louder and  louder. It was pretty long... I enjoyed it very much.